And now, on to picture of the birthday girl. Here she is in her tutu that her lovely Auntie Laurel gave her. Does she love being in her tutu...meh...not so much. But she's dang cute in it. Plus, it's like having a little decoration walking around.
Nate and I got her Duplos after she couldn't get enough of them at the Stamps' house. Currently, she enjoys throwing them in and out of the bucket.

The picture above was stolen off of Brian's flickr page. Now that I've mentioned his name I'm pretty sure I can post it here legitimately without asking for his permissioon...even though he's sitting across the room from me.
Ben and Rachel got Zayely bath toys and she loves them. She also loves that they are magnetic because she carries magnets around the house trying to get them to stick to things other than the fridge. She seems to be pleasently suprised when she's able to successfully stick them to these boats.
And of course, none of Azalea's milestones would be complete without some Skype. We called both sets of grandparents so that they could see Azalea open some presents, look confused while we lit candles, and suck the frosting off the top of a cupcake.

Too cute!
So where do you store all of your cake stands?
I have a really great place for storing my cake stands. It's called my friend Sarah's house. Because she owns them. :) (I wish I had her collection though)
Did you make those cupcakes or did you get them from the store that little Z is the poster child for? Either way they are beautiful.
It looks like you had a perfectly successful and amazing first birthday for Z-Cakes. Nice job super mom! I wish we could have been there. I can't believe she's one!
So sorry I didn't remember Zaley's birthday! She just gets sweeter and sweeter! Tell her [very] late happy birthday from the 3 of us!!
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