Friday, August 10, 2007

Look at my Garden Grow!

I hate to brag...but I think my garden this summer is pretty rockin'. It's actually growing so well, that it's getting a little out of control. My tomato plants have gotten so big that they've created their own little rain forest, and they're knocking down the cheap wire cages I bought for them when I first planted them. It is kind of hard to see from the picture, but if you look closely, you can compare the straight fence to the cages that are falling in all different directions.

My Early Girls are pretty obviously on a mission to knock down their wire prison. I started getting ripe Early Girls about a week ago but I'm too lazy to take another picture of them. Plus I could eat the things by the bushel right now; they're like candy.

You might be saying to yourself..."my goodness, Miranda has planted a lot of tomatoes. I wonder why so many." Well, if you know me well enough, you know that I am quite a pessimistic planter. I assume that at least 40% of my crop is going to die. So I bought enough tomato plants so that I could still have a decent harvest after I found a way to kill half of them. However, they all decided to THRIVE. One of them is as tall as me. I tried to buy varietys the said "Full Sun" on the tag because that's pretty much what they get here in Denver...12 hours of FULL SUN. Apparently I was successful.

Above is a picture of my fine leaf basil. I don't like it quite as much as the regular sweet leaf but it is still good and does much better in the hot sun. Below are pictures of my summer squash which I couldn't kill even if I tried.

And peppers! I'm actually getting Bell and Jalapeno peppers!

So now that you have all seen my beautiful garden you should all come over for some fresh Bruschetta, sauteed summer squash, and salsa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I need a lesson from you. Although our garden also looks like a jungle, there are only tiny little green miniature marble size products if any. Good job! Wish I was there to help you eat it.